Troubleshooting / known issues

Tricky behavior of captured variables

It is easy to forget that DataFlowTasks.@dspawn, like its siblings @async or Threads.@spawn, wraps its body in an anonymous function. This can lead to unexpected behavior when variables are captured in these closures at task spawn time, and re-bound before task execution time.

Let's illustrate this with a simple example using plain asynchronous tasks. In the following snippet, the intention is to start with an initial array, double all elements and copy them to a temporary buffer, then double them again and copy them back to the original array:

arr = ones(3)
buf = fill(NaN, length(arr))

# The following is performed at "task spawn time"
    # Warning: these variable bindings will be captured in the task body
    (from, to) = (arr, buf)
    task1 = @task to .= 2 .* from

    # Swap source & destination arrays:
    # Warning: this re-binds the captures in t1
    (from, to) = (to, from)
    task2 = @task begin
        wait(task1) # make sure the data has been copied before copying it back
        to .= 2 .* from

# This is "task run time"
foreach(schedule, (task1, task2))

arr  # expected all 4 after the round-trip
3-element Vector{Float64}:

There is however a subtle issue in the code above: the body of task1 captures bindings from and to (not their values at task spawn time). Therefore, when from and to are later re-bound, this affects the captures in task1. If task1 starts afterwards (which we ensure here by only scheduling it later), it "sees" the swapped version of from and to, and therefore copies NaNs into the original array.


In a real code, one would probably schedule the task as soon as it is created (using @async, Threads.@spawn or DataFlowTasks.@dspawn). In such cases, the result may vary from run to run, depending on whether the task actually starts before the bindings are swapped, or not.

The fix for such problems usually involves using let-blocks to ensure that task bodies only capture local variables (or at least no variable that is susceptible to be rebound later). For example, the following implementation is safe:

arr = ones(3)
buf = fill(NaN, length(arr))

# The following is performed at "task spawn time"
    (from, to) = (arr, buf)

    # Thanks to the let-block, the task body captures local bindings
    task1 = let (src, dest) = (from, to)
        @task dest .= 2 .* src

    # Swap source & destination arrays
    # This rebinds `from` and `to`, but does not affect the captures in task1
    (from, to) = (to, from)
    task2 = let (src, dest) = (from, to)
        @task begin
            dest .= 2 .* src

# This is "task run time"
foreach(schedule, (task1, task2))

arr  # expect all 4 after the round-trip
3-element Vector{Float64}:

The Parallel Merge Sort example shows a real-world situation in which such issues could arise.

Nested task graph

It may sometimes be useful, or even necessary, to spawn a DataFlowTask inside another. This, although possible, can be a bit tricky to get right. To understand why that is the case, let us walk through a simple example:

using DataFlowTasks

function nested_tasks()
    A,B = ones(10), ones(10)
    @dspawn begin
        @RW A B
        @dspawn begin
            @RW(view(A,1:5)) .= 0
        end label = "1a"
        @dspawn begin
            @RW(view(A,6:10)) .= 0
        end label = "1b"
        B .= 0
    end label = "1"
    res = @dspawn begin
    end label = "2"
nested_tasks (generic function with 1 method)

If we were to disable @dspawn (make it a no-op) in the code above, the sequential execution would proceed as follows:

  1. A and B are initialized to ones.
  2. After a small nap, A[1:5] is filled with 0 in block 1a
  3. A[6:10] is filled with 0 in block 1b
  4. A reduction of both A and B is performed in block 2, yielding (0.,0.)

The sequential code will therefore always yield (0.,0.), and that could be considered the correct answer as per a sequential consistency criterion. We can check that this is actually the case by running DataFlowTasks.force_sequential() before executing the code:

(0.0, 0.0)

If you reactivate DataFlowTasks and re-run the code above a few times, however, you will notice that summing B will always give 0, but summing A will not

map(i -> nested_tasks(), 1:10)
10-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
 (10.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)
 (0.0, 0.0)

The reason is that while we are guaranteed that task 2 will be created after task 1, we don't have much control on when tasks 1a and 1b will be created relative to task 2. Because of that, while 2 will always wait on 1 before running due to the data conflict, 2 could very well be spawned before 1a and/or 1b, in which case it won't wait for them! The result of sum(A), therefore, is not deterministic in our program.

The problem is that if we allow for several paths of execution to spawn DataFlowTasks on the same task graph concurrently, the order upon which these tasks are added to the task graph is impossible to control. This makes the direction of dependency between two tasks ti and tj with conflicting data accesses undetermined: we will infer that ti depends on tj if ti is created first, and that tj depends on ti if tj is created first.

One way to resolve this ambiguity in the example above is to modify function to avoid nested tasks. For this admittedly contrived example, we could have written instead:

function linear_tasks()
    A,B = ones(10), ones(10)
    @dspawn begin
        @RW(view(A,1:5)) .= 0
    end label = "1a"
    @dspawn begin
        @RW(view(A,6:10)) .= 0
    end label = "1b"
    @dspawn @W(B) .= 0 label = "1"
    res = @dspawn begin
    end label = "2"
@show linear_tasks()
(0.0, 0.0)

You can check that the code above will consistently yield (0.,0.) as a result.

When nesting tasks is unavoidable, or when the performance hit from flattening out our nested algorithm is too large, a more advanced option is to create a separate task graph for each level of nesting. That way we manually handle the logic, and recover a predictable order in each task graph:

using DataFlowTasks: TaskGraph, with_taskgraph

function nested_taskgraphs()
    A,B = ones(10), ones(10)
    @dspawn begin
        @RW A B
        tg = TaskGraph() # a new taskgraph
        with_taskgraph(tg) do
            @dspawn begin
                @RW(view(A,1:5)) .= 0
            end label = "1a"
            @dspawn begin
                @RW(view(A,6:10)) .= 0
            end label = "1b"
        B .= 0
    end label = "1"
    res = @dspawn begin
    end label = "2"
(0.0, 0.0)

In this last solution, there are two task graphs: the outer one containing tasks 1 and 2, and an inner one, created by task 1, which spawns tasks 1a and 1b. The inner task graph is waited on by task 1, so that task 2 will only start after both 1a and 1b have completed. Note that because a new task graph is created for 1a and 1b, they will never depend on task 2, which could create a deadlock!

In the future we may provide a more convenient syntax for creating nested task; at present, the suggestion is to avoid them if possible.

Suggested workflow

Writing parallel code is hard, specially when it involves shared memory. A suggested workflow for writing parallel code with DataFlowTasks is the following:

  1. Write the serial code, and make sure it works. This may sound obvious, but it is easy to get carried away with the parallelization too early.
  2. Add @dspawn around the chunks of your code that you want to run in parallel. If it works as expected, you are done; otherwise, continue to the next step.
  3. Run DataFlowTasks.force_sequential(true) (this will make @dspawn a no-op) and try your code again. If you are getting the wrong results, return to step 1.
  4. Enable @dspawn once more with force_sequential(false), and run DataFlowTasks.force_linear_dag(true). This makes sure DataFlowTasks are created and schedule, but it forces the underlying DAG to be linear (i.e. node i is always connected to node i+1). This is closer to the real thing than force_sequential since closures are created and variables are capture in the task bodies. If you have an issue here, consider reading the section on captured variables.
  5. Once step 4 works, run force_linear_dag(false) to deactivate the linear DAG mechanism, and execute the code again. If the result is wrong, the problem is likely related to incorrectly declared data dependencies in your @dspawn blocks. Look at the code, scratch your head, and happy debugging!