Merge sort

ipynb nbviewer

This example illustrates the use of DataFlowTasks to implement a parallel merge sort algorithm.

Sequential version

We'll use a "bottom-up" implementation of the merge sort algorithm. To explain how it works, let's consider a small vector of 32 elements:

using Random, CairoMakie

v = randperm(32)
Example block output

We decompose it into 4 blocks of 8 elements, which we sort individually:

sort!(view(v, 1:8))
sort!(view(v, 9:16))
sort!(view(v, 17:24))
sort!(view(v, 25:32))
barplot(v; color=ceil.(Int, eachindex(v)./8), colormap=:Paired_4, colorrange=(1,4))
Example block output

Now we can merge the first two 8-element blocks into a sorted 16-element block. And do the same for the 3rd and 4th 8-element blocks. We'll need an auxilliary array w to store the results:

function merge!(dest, left, right)
    # pre-condition:
    #   `left`  is sorted
    #   `right` is sorted
    #   length(left) + length(right) == length(dest)
    # post-condition:
    #   `dest` contains all elements from `left` and `right`
    #   `dest` is sorted

    (i, j) = (1, 1)
    (I, J) = (length(left), length(right))
    @assert I + J == length(dest)
    @inbounds for k in eachindex(dest)
        if i <= I && (j > J || left[i] < right[j])
            dest[k] = left[i]; i += 1
            dest[k] = right[j]; j+=1

w = similar(v)
@views merge!(w[1:16],  v[1:8],   v[9:16])
@views merge!(w[17:32], v[17:24], v[25:32])
barplot(w; color=ceil.(Int, eachindex(v)./16), colormap=:Paired_4, colorrange=(1,4))
Example block output

Now w is sorted in two blocks, which we can merge to get the entire sorted array. Instead of using a new buffer to store the results, let's re-use the original array v:

@views merge!(v, w[1:16], w[17:32])
Example block output

The following sequential implementation automates these steps.

First, the vector is decomposed in blocks of size bs (64 by default). Each block is sorted using an insertion sort (which works in-place without allocating anything, and is relatively fast for small vectors).

Then, sorted blocks are grouped in pairs which are merged into the buffer. If the number of blocks is odd, the last block is copied directly to the destination buffer.

The auxiliary buffer is now composed of sorted blocks twice as large as the original blocks, so we can iterate the algorithm with a doubled block size, this time putting the results back to the original vector.

Depending on the parity of the number of iterations, the final result ends up being stored either in the original vector (which is what we want) or in the auxiliary buffer (in which case we copy it back to the original vector). The semantics of mergesort! is thus that of an in-place sort: after the call, v should be sorted.

function mergesort!(v, buf=similar(v), bs=64)
    N = length(v)

    for i₀ in 1:bs:N
        i₁ = min(i₀+bs-1, N)
        sort!(view(v, i₀:i₁), alg=InsertionSort)

    (from, to) = (v, buf)

    while bs < length(v)
        i₀ = 1
        while i₀ < N
            i₁ = i₀+bs; i₁>N && break
            i₂ = min(i₀+2bs-1, N)
            @views merge!(to[i₀:i₂], from[i₀:i₁-1], from[i₁:i₂])

            i₀ = i₂+1
        if i₀ <= N
            @inbounds @views to[i₀:N] .= from[i₀:N]

        bs *= 2
        (from, to) = (to, from)

    v === from || copy!(v, from)

N = 100_000
v = rand(N)
buf = similar(v)

@assert issorted(mergesort!(copy(v), buf))

Parallel version

Parallelizing with DataFlowTasks involves splitting the work into several parallel tasks, which have to be annotated to list their data dependencies. In our case:

  • Sorting each initial block involves calling the sequential implementation on it. The block size is larger here, to avoid spawning tasks for too small chunks. Each such task modifies its own block in-place.

  • Merging two blocks (or copying a lone block) reads part of the source array, and writes to (the same) part of the destination array.

  • A final task reads the whole array to act as a barrier: we can fetch it to synchronize all other tasks and get the result.

using DataFlowTasks

function mergesort_dft!(v, buf=similar(v), bs=16384)
    N = length(v)

    for i₀ in 1:bs:N
        i₁ = min(i₀+bs-1, N)
        @dspawn mergesort!(@RW(view(v, i₀:i₁))) label="sort\n$i₀:$i₁"

    # WARNING: (from, to) are not local to each task but will later be re-bound
    # => avoid capturing them
    (from, to) = (v, buf)

    while bs < N
        i₀ = 1  # WARNING: i₀ is not local to each task; avoid capturing it
        while i₀ < N
            i₁ = i₀+bs; i₁>N && break
            i₂ = min(i₀+2bs-1, N)
            let # Create new bindings which will be captured in the task body
                left  = @view from[i₀:i₁-1]
                right = @view from[i₁:i₂]
                dest  = @view to[i₀:i₂]
                @dspawn merge!(@W(dest), @R(left), @R(right)) label="merge\n$i₀:$i₂"
            i₀ = i₂+1
        if i₀ <= N
            let # Create new bindings which will be captured in the task body
                src  = @view from[i₀:N]
                dest = @view to[i₀:N]
                @dspawn @W(dest) .= @R(src) label="copy\n$i₀:$N"

        bs *= 2
        (from, to) = (to, from)

    final_task = @dspawn @R(from) label="result"
    v === from || copy!(v, from)

@assert issorted(mergesort_dft!(copy(v), buf))
Captured bindings

The swapping of variables from and to could cause hard-to-debug issues if these bindings were captured into the task bodies. The same is true of variable i₀, which is repeatedly re-bound in the while-loop (as opposed to what classically happens with a for loop, which creates a new binding at each iteration).

This is a real-world occurrence of the situation described in more details in the troubleshooting page.

As expected, the task graph looks like a (mostly binary) tree:

log_info = DataFlowTasks.@log mergesort_dft!(copy(v))

using GraphViz
dag = GraphViz.Graph(log_info)
Example block output


Let's use bigger data to assess the performance of our implementations:

N = 1_000_000
data = rand(N);
buf  = similar(data);

using BenchmarkTools
bench_seq = @benchmark mergesort!(x, $buf) setup=(x=copy(data)) evals=1
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 8 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (minmax):  121.077 ms124.079 ms   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     122.118 ms                GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   122.228 ms ±   1.009 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  0.00% ± 0.00%

  █ █       █              █    █       █                    █  
  █▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█ ▁
  121 ms           Histogram: frequency by time          124 ms <

 Memory estimate: 0 bytes, allocs estimate: 0.
bench_dft = @benchmark mergesort_dft!(x, $buf) setup=(x=copy(data)) evals=1
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 22 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (minmax):  36.969 ms53.499 ms   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     39.854 ms               GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   41.090 ms ±  4.148 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  0.00% ± 0.00%

   ▃    ▃  █                                               
  ▇█▇▁▇▁█▇▁█▁▇█▇▇▁▇▁▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇ ▁
  37 ms           Histogram: frequency by time        53.5 ms <

 Memory estimate: 9.92 MiB, allocs estimate: 40402.

The parallel version does exhibit some speed-up, but not as much as one would hope for given the number of threads used in the computation:

 nthreads = Threads.nthreads(),
 speedup = time(minimum(bench_seq)) / time(minimum(bench_dft)))
(nthreads = 8, speedup = 3.2750996901677896)

To better understand why the speedup may not be as good as expected, we can inspect the execution trace of the parallel version and visualize it using Makie:

log_info = DataFlowTasks.@log mergesort_dft!(copy(data))
plot(log_info; categories = ["sort", "merge", "copy", "result"])
Example block output

The parallel profile explains it all: at the beginning of the computation, sorting the small blocks and merging them involves a large number of small tasks. There is a lot of expressed parallelism to be taken advantage of at this stage, and DataFlowTasks seems to do a good job. But as the algorithm advances, fewer and fewer blocks have to be merged, which are larger and larger... until the last merge of the whole array (which is performed sequentially) seemingly accounts for as much as 25% of the whole computation time!

Parallel merge

In order to express more parallelism in the algorithm, it is therefore important to perform large merges in parallel. There exist many elaborate parallel binary merge algorithms; here we describe a relatively naive one:

# Assuming we want to sort `v`, and its `left` and `right` halves have already
# been sorted, we merge them into `dest`:
v = randperm(64)
left  = @views v[1:32]; sort!(left)
right = @views v[33:64]; sort!(right)
dest = similar(v)

(I, J, K) = length(left), length(right), length(dest)
@assert I+J == K

# First we find a pivot value, which splits `left` in two halves:
i = 1 + I ÷ 2
pivot = left[i-1]

# Next we split `right` into two parts: indices associated to values lower than
# the pivot, and indices associated to values larger than the pivot. Since the
# data is sorted, an efficient binary search algorithm can be used:
j = searchsortedfirst(right, pivot)

# We now have both `left` and `right` decomposed into two (hopefully nearly
# equal) parts:
(i₁, i₂) = (1:i-1, i:I)  # partition of `left`
(j₁, j₂) = (1:j-1, j:J)  # partition of `right`
(1:15, 16:32)

Let's visualize this decomposition by plotting four groups i₁, i₂, j₁, j₂:

I = last(i₂)
M = maximum(v)
pivot = v[last(i₁)]
(left₁, left₂) = (i₁, i₂)
(right₁, right₂) = (j₁ .+ I, j₂ .+ I)
blocks = (left₁, left₂, right₁, right₂)
colors = map(eachindex(v)) do i
    findfirst(∋(i), blocks)

center(r) = (r[1]+r[end]) / 2

fig, ax, _ = barplot(v, color=colors, colormap=:Paired_4, colorrange=(1,4));

vertical(x, h) = lines!(ax, [x, x], [-2, h], linestyle=:dash, color=:black)
vertical(last(left₁)  + 0.5, pivot+10)
vertical(last(right₁) + 0.5, pivot+10)
vertical(last(left₂)  + 0.5, M+1)

lines!(ax, [0, lastindex(v)+1], [pivot, pivot], linestyle=:dash, color=:black)

text!(ax, (0, pivot), text="pivot", align=(:left, :bottom))
text!(ax, (center(left₁),  -1), text="i₁ = $i₁", align=(:center, :top))
text!(ax, (center(left₂),  -1), text="i₂ = $i₂", align=(:center, :top))
text!(ax, (center(right₁), -1), text="j₁ = $j₁", align=(:center, :top))
text!(ax, (center(right₂), -1), text="j₂ = $j₂", align=(:center, :top))
text!(ax, (center(left₁  ∪ left₂),  M), text="left",  align=(:center, :top), fontsize=24)
text!(ax, (center(right₁ ∪ right₂), M), text="right", align=(:center, :top), fontsize=24)
Example block output

Between them, the first part of left and the first part of right contain all values lower than or equal to pivot: they can be merged together in the first part of the destination array, which will also contain all values lower than or equal to pivot.

The same is true of the second parts of left and right, which contain all values larger than pivot and can be merged into the second part of the destination array.

# Find the index which splits `dest` into two parts, according to the number of
# elements in the first parts of `left` and `right`
k = i + j - 1
(k₁, k₂) = (1:k-1, k:K)  # partition of `dest`

# Merge the first parts
@views merge!(dest[k₁], left[i₁], right[j₁])

# Merge the second parts
@views merge!(dest[k₂], left[i₂], right[j₂])

# We now have a fully sorted array
@assert issorted(dest)

The following function automates the splitting of the arrays into P parts, desribed as a vector of (iₚ, jₚ, kₚ) tuples:

function split_indices(P, dest, left, right)
    (I, J, K) = length(left), length(right), length(dest)
    @assert I+J == K

    i = ones(Int, P+1)
    j = ones(Int, P+1)
    k = ones(Int, P+1)
    for p in 2:P
        i[p] = 1 + ((p-1)*I) ÷ P
        j[p] = searchsortedfirst(right, left[i[p]-1])
        k[p] = k[p-1] + i[p]-i[p-1] + j[p]-j[p-1]
    i[P+1] = I+1; j[P+1] = J+1; k[P+1] = K+1

    map(1:P) do p
        (i[p]:i[p+1]-1, j[p]:j[p+1]-1, k[p]:k[p+1]-1)

# Check that this decomposes `left` and `right` into the same ranges as shown
# in the figure above:
split_indices(2, dest, left, right)
2-element Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}, UnitRange{Int64}, UnitRange{Int64}}}:
 (1:16, 1:15, 1:31)
 (17:32, 16:32, 32:64)

This can serve as a building block for a parallel merge and new version of the parallel merge sort:

function parallel_merge_dft!(dest, left, right; label="")
    # Number of parts in which large blocks will be split
    P = min(Threads.nthreads(), ceil(Int, length(dest)/65_536))

    # Simple sequential merge for small cases
    if P <= 1
        @dspawn merge!(@W(dest), @R(left), @R(right)) label="merge\n$label"
        return dest

    # Split the arrays into `P` parts. It is important to use `@dspawn` here so
    # that `split_indices` wait until the previous tasks are finished sorting
    idxs_t = @dspawn split_indices(P, @R(dest), @R(left), @R(right)) label="split\n$label"
    idxs   = fetch(idxs_t)::Vector{NTuple{3, UnitRange{Int}}}

    # Spawn one task per part
    for p in 1:P
        part = 'A' + p -1
        iₚ, jₚ, kₚ = idxs[p]
        left′, right′, dest′ = @views left[iₚ], right[jₚ], dest[kₚ]
        @dspawn merge!(@W(dest′), @R(left′), @R(right′)) label="merge $part\n$label"
    return dest
parallel_merge_dft! (generic function with 1 method)

With this parallel merge version, we can now re-write the mergesort algorithm to spawn parallel merge tasks:

function parallel_mergesort_dft!(v, buf=similar(v); bs=16384)
    N = length(v)

    for i₀ in 1:bs:N
        i₁ = min(i₀+bs-1, N)
        @dspawn mergesort!(@RW(view(v, i₀:i₁))) label="sort\n$i₀:$i₁"

    (from, to) = (v, buf)

    while bs < N
        i₀ = 1
        while i₀ < N
            i₁ = i₀+bs; i₁>N && break
            i₂ = min(i₀+2bs-1, N)
                left  = @view from[i₀:i₁-1]
                right = @view from[i₁:i₂]
                dest  = @view to[i₀:i₂]
                parallel_merge_dft!(dest, left, right, label="$i₀:$i₂")
            i₀ = i₂+1
        if i₀ <= N
                src  = @view from[i₀:N]
                dest = @view to[i₀:N]
                @dspawn @W(dest) .= @R(src) label="copy\n$i₀:$N"

        bs *= 2
        (from, to) = (to, from)

    final_task = @dspawn @R(from) label="result"
    v === from || copy!(v, from)
parallel_mergesort_dft! (generic function with 2 methods)

Let us check that this new version still works as expected:

N = 100_000
v = rand(N)
@assert issorted(parallel_mergesort_dft!(copy(v)))

The task graph is now a bit more complicated. Here we see for example that the last level of merge has been split into 2 parts (labelled "merge A" and "merge B"):

# Temporarily stop the DAG cleaner from dynamically removing nodes from the task
# graph in order to obtain the full "static graph".
log_info = DataFlowTasks.@log parallel_mergesort_dft!(copy(v))

using GraphViz
dag = GraphViz.Graph(log_info)
Example block output

Since it expresses more parallelism, this new version performs better:

buf = similar(data)
bench_dft_tiled = @benchmark parallel_mergesort_dft!(x, $buf) setup = (x = copy(data)) evals = 1
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 32 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (minmax):  19.675 ms34.061 ms   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     25.593 ms               GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   25.930 ms ±  3.857 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  0.00% ± 0.00%

  ▂                     ▂█   ▅                                 
  █▁▁▅▅▅▁▁▁▁▁▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▅▁███▁▁▁▅▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▅▁▁▁▁▅▁▁▁▅▅▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▅ ▁
  19.7 ms         Histogram: frequency by time        34.1 ms <

 Memory estimate: 9.83 MiB, allocs estimate: 37960.
    nthreads = Threads.nthreads(),
    speedup = time(minimum(bench_seq)) / time(minimum(bench_dft_tiled)),
(nthreads = 8, speedup = 6.1538526986476265)

The profile plot also shows how merge tasks remain parallel until the very end, even though each large merge forces all threads to synchronize:

log_info = DataFlowTasks.@log parallel_mergesort_dft!(copy(data))
plot(log_info, categories=["sort", "merge", "copy", "result", "split"])
Example block output

Here, one extra performance limiting factor is the additional work performed by the parallel merge algorithm (e.g. finding pivots). Compare for example the sequential elapsed time:

BenchmarkTools.Trial: 8 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (minmax):  121.077 ms124.079 ms   GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     122.118 ms                GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean ± σ):   122.228 ms ±   1.009 ms   GC (mean ± σ):  0.00% ± 0.00%

  █ █       █              █    █       █                    █  
  █▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█ ▁
  121 ms           Histogram: frequency by time          124 ms <

 Memory estimate: 0 bytes, allocs estimate: 0.

to the cumulated run time of the tasks (shown as "Computing" in the log_info description):

• Elapsed time           : 0.033
  ├─ Critical Path       : 0.007
  ╰─ No-Wait             : 0.028

• Run time               : 0.264
  ├─ Computing           :   0.220
  │  ╰─ unlabeled        :     0.220
  ├─ Task Insertion      :   0.003
  ╰─ Other (idle)        :   0.041

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